OpenPlant PID Help

To Place Page Connector and Connect to Existing

  1. Select the Pipe Run Page connector option and place the connector on an existing pipeline. Be sure to define the connector as either Off or On in the Pipe Run Page Connector dialog.
  2. Sync the drawing with the iModel using the Tools > Sync option.
  3. In a new drawing, place a new Pipe Run Page connector.
  4. Select the New Page Connector option in the Link Connector To section.
  5. Place the connector in the drawing using the standard placement procedure but not connected to a pipeline.
    Note: When prompted to select a pipeline, cancel out of the dialog.
  6. Right click on the new connector and select Connect To Existing from the popup menu.
  7. In the Connectors Options dialog, click the Search option to display the available connectors .
    Note: The Available Connectors list will specify whether connectors are On page, Off page or not defined at all. If you are placing an Off page connector, then you would look to connect to an existing On page connector.
  8. Select a connector and click OK. Once the connectors have been linked, the connector just placed will assume the same sequence number as the connector it was linked to. Linked connectors share the same sequence number.
  9. Sync the changes to update the existing connector in the iModel Hub.